

Daily Bell: Is the US, like Rome, doomed to fall or can the pre-Civil War laissez faire republic be brought back?

Ron Paul: I work on the assumption that you can save the republic and it can come back but not in a conventional way. Although I’m involved in political activity, in trying to help people get elected and stay involved, I do not believe the republic is going to be saved by electing two or three or ten more members of Congress who are very sincere about doing the right things. I think it’s good. I think it’s beneficial only in providing answers for the long term.

So I see the republic and our liberties being much further undermined – because they are constantly being undermined. If you think of what’s happened since 9/11, our liberties have been taken away constantly and I think that’s going to get much, much worse and we’re going to have a lot more violence, not only around the world but here at home and the economic problems are going to get much worse. And indeed, our liberties and our republic will be threatened and in many ways we don’t have the fundamentals at all anymore.
But on the positive side, I think there are a lot of people waking up. For once in the history of Keynesianism more and more people, and and the young people I’ve talked to at the college level, are realizing that there’s something seriously wrong with the economic model of Keynesianism, this idea that you can print money and run up debt and it doesn’t have any consequence. So we have a tremendous opportunity. The failure of Keynesianism in the 20th century shows that fascism and communism are evil monsters and they don’t work and they’ve finally collapsed. And authoritarianism doesn’t work, and telling people how to run their lives. And I think there’s a growing movement. The freedom movement is alive and well.
Now, how we go from here to having a much better system it’s hard to tell but it’s not going to be gradual and smooth. I think we’re going to have things get much, much worse here, more attacks on our liberties and maybe a total breakdown of our economy, with then an opportunity if we lay the groundwork for having a generation of individuals realize what can replace the system we have.

That’s exactly what the left did, the Keynesians and the socialists. For years and years they controlled the thought processes and the thought leaders and they were teaching and preaching all this government intervention, the Federal Reserve System, pushing of interest rates and economic planning. I think the wave is different and I believe that if we continue the momentum we can pick up the pieces and have a much better society than we’ve had in a long time.