

Daily Bell: Of the never-ending stream of “bad news” these days, what has you most concerned right now? What do you see as the most significant problem that the US faces?

Ron Paul: There’s one problem I think the world faces, and the United States faces, which is a very generalized problem that I deal with all the time and I think is the source of all our troubles. That is the lack of understanding and determination to protect liberty for the people. If you do that you solve so many problems – economic, you have less war and all these other things.

But most of the time when people are interested in the most important issue they’re looking for something maybe more specific and right now I think it involves foreign affairs. I think what’s going on in Iraq verifies my position and the position of many others that have held for a long time that us being involved there and intervention in these internal affairs and squabbles around the world and being the policeman of the world doesn’t lead to many good things. And it’s coming back to haunt us right now. It’s very expensive, a lot of people have died and after ten years, where are we? We’re worse off than ever. It’s getting so silly that we’re actually talking about working with the Iranians to help us out in bringing about stability.

But it’s not only stability in Iraq. It’s regional. It has to do with oil. There are problems going on with our interventions everywhere from Libya to Egypt to the Middle East to Syria and Ukraine. It’s just way too much and it contributes so much to our economic problems because it all costs a lot of money and leads to a lot of death. I think that’s the greatest thing we face now. More specifically economically, I think the wave of the future the people will all of a sudden start talking about will be inflation, though I believe inflation is here because they’re printing money like crazy. I think prices are going up in certain areas very significantly and it will finally get to the  point where even the government statistics will have to admit that there is a lot of inflation in the system.