From a certain angle, history
could be called the sum of succeeding limited solutions to basic
problems. The result is a pile and a mess, which appears to have no
exit, except more limited solutions.
On and on it goes.
You hear people say, “WELL, UNDER THE CIRCUMSTANCES, the only thing we can do now is X.”
In other words, things are so far gone, so muddled, there can be no
going back to the original basic problem. There can be no working on the
basic problem. The basic problem is buried so deep, it can’t be
retrieved and resolved.
Imagine a nation whose people, over the course of a few hundred
years, have undergone a vast reduction in intelligence. At this point, a
small group asserts, “If we few, who have somehow retained our IQ, want
to communicate with these morons, we’ll have to deploy horrifically
simplified language and ideas. We’ll have to bring them, one tiny step
at a time, toward an even rudimentary consciousness about life, current
affairs, and situations that need repair.”
“Only limited solutions will work.”
But this doesn’t pan out. It only serves to make things worse. The
morons inevitably pervert these limited solutions and parlay them into
more problems. Each glint of light turns into a cloud of darkness.
The history of public relations reveals these developments. Finding
simpler and simpler ways to reach audiences, PR people discover they
have to resort to more infantile strategies, because the audience is
becoming more brain-addled.
No, it turns out that the way to resolve all this is to return to the beginning, where the corruption first took place.
That’s the place where individual freedom, power, imagination, and the desire for uncompromising justice were bent and twisted.
Returning to the beginning works because people never really forget. They try to, they pretend to, but they don’t.
Somewhere down deep, they recall freedom and power and they want it again. Somewhere down deep, they aren’t morons at all.
If you can strike THERE, astonishing things can happen. A tremendous
amount of spoilage and degradation and passivity can ignite and burn
But this requires faith, and it requires the knowledge that time
(opportunity) is endless. There is no deadline, despite all appearances.
This also requires realizing that offering limited solutions geared
to severely limited minds accomplishes exactly the opposite of what you
There is a further temptation. Often it is the limited solution that
has backing, money, significant support, whereas striking at the heart
of the problem and addressing it begins to pay dividends with only a
whisper of a few people.
Imagine this: In the year 2982, all 600 million Americans are getting
their food from Government Central bins. Instead of taking five of
these people out to a farm in the wild and showing them food at its
source, in nature, emerging from the earth in the rain and sun, you
decide the way to go is:
“Let’s try to wean 500 million people away from the packets of
ketchup at Central. It’s a start. If we can do that, then we might be
able to show them the mayo is a bad idea. And then we can work on
revelations about the fries…”
But lo and behold, this doesn’t yield positive results. People don’t
seem to care about attacks on ketchup. They yawn and tear open the
packets and squeeze the red stuff on their fedburgers.
“Well,” you say, “maybe we aimed too high. Let’s go slower. Let’s
reboot and attack aspartame packets for the coffee. You see, people can
always resort to sugar. They have an option. Let’s promote sugar, not
But again, nothing. No results.
ON YOUR FREEDOM, a few people, at first, would wake up to the basic
problem. A small spark, but one that travels deep.
Now you’re dealing with the subconscious memory of all 500 million
people, where the desire for freedom still lives, where instinctive
knowledge of what’s evil still resides.
Despite media attacks on Ron Paul, despite arguments about his
credentials, his past record, his “horrendous” potential to steal votes
from Republican candidates, when he said LET’S BRING ALL OUR TROOPS HOME
FROM AROUND THE WORLD NOW, a hundred thousand people started to wake up
that day.
“What are we doing with all those soldiers of ours? Why are they
overseas in hundreds of places? What the hell is this? What’s our
agenda? BRING THEM HOME. The Constitution specifies military force for
direct defense of the United States, that’s all. BRING THEM ALL HOME.”
Paul didn’t say, “I believe we can soon initiate a partial draw down
of troops in the area surrounding Kabul, given that our effort to build
A-frames and swimming pools in Afghan villages are bearing fruit…”
The method of limited solution is a mirror of what the individual
tends to do with his own mind. He looks for potential answers that swim
across the surface, answers that appear clever, “in light of what he’s
dealing with.”
As opposed to going to the place where his freedom and power live.