

The apostle Paul wrote at Philippians 2:12 “Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.”

Embedded in this statement is the idea that each one of us is to have a personal relationship with our Creator. This is implied by the words “Work out your own salvation” In other words, each one of us is responsible for our individual relationship with God.

Those who came to America for religious freedom believed this. It was one of their major points of contention with the religious structure of Old World Europe. In the Old World, the church hierarchy believed that God did not speak directly to an individual person, but instead spoke only through church leadership.

This same mentality played itself out in the Old World political system by way of the Devine Right of Kings. The king would claim he was always right, because he was God’s representative to the nation. How could one argue with that?

The apostle Paul wrote at Colossians 2:10-11 “[You have] put on the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created him. A renewal in which there is no distinction between Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave and freemen, but Christ is all, and in all.” This scripture makes it clear that we are all equal before God.

This spiritual belief of the founders of this nation worked itself out in our purely American political system were each one of us was equal before the law. Each of us has an equal vote in the electoral process.

In the same way, we are to “work out” our own understanding of the American political system. Since we all possess an equal vote to choose our leaders or to vote for any ballot item, we are each equally responsible for the outcome. America has rejected the “Devine right of kings” and instead we hold our leaders to the same standard that applies to each one of us.

And in the American political system, each one of us is entitled to the same “due process” as the next person.

When you realize this, you will quickly conclude that the Patriot Act is wrong! Because the Patriot Act denies due process rights to a certain class of people. When you come to this place in your thinking, the only candidate you can support is Ron Paul.

You will also conclude that the NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act) is wrong! Because the NDAA denies due process rights to a certain class of people. When you realize this, Ron Paul becomes your candidate.

And you will also realize that circumventing the Declaration of War process robs us of the vetting process where we can have a debate of the justness or unjustness of attacking another nation. When we circumvent this national debate, we are more likely to make a mistake and violate the due process rights of innocent people. When you understand this shortcoming of circumventing the Declaration of War process, Ron Paul becomes the only candidate you can support.

The bible speaks about money more than any other topic. Appearing numerous places in scripture is the admonition found at Leviticus 19:36 to have “just weights and measures.”

The money system of the Federal Reserve Bank is based on a fractional reserve model where money is created out of thin air and multiplies faster than weeds. Those who get the money first, the insiders, receive a huge benefit. All the while the rest of us experience a reduction of our purchasing power from the effects of inflation, which effectively steals our wealth.

When you get this figured out, Ron Paul becomes the only candidate you can support.

Ron Paul is the only candidate for president who understands our economy. Ron Paul is the only candidate for president who understands what Constitutional Government is supposed to look like. Ron Paul is the only candidate for president who has a realistic plan to Restore our Republic.