

As I have observed Dr. Paul’s life over the last few decades, I know him to be a friendly gentleman. And as both a medical doctor and a congressman, he is servant of people.

Dr. Paul is also the only member of Congress who has delivered over 4,000 babies. Congressman Ron Paul is 100% pro-life and has never voted for any funding for Planned Parenthood. As a doctor he refused to take Medicare, but when necessary would treat people for free instead.

He is the only veteran in the race. And he is the only candidate for president who advocates the Christian Just War Theory.

He is also a man who has a realistic plan to eliminate 5 cabinet departments of our federal government. A plan to eliminate $1 trillion of the federal budget, and to Restore America to our roots of limited government.

And as I have observed his life over the last 4 years, I see a man who has a passion for justice, an ambassador of free markets, and a champion of liberty. And with an aggressive plan as his to cut the size of government, he has also become a target of many.

What carries Ron Paul forward, against all the criticism of those who do not want to see a Trillion Dollars cut from the federal budget, is his knowledge that unless America makes a hard course correction our future is uncertain.

In 2011, Congress’s approval rating was only 9 percent.

And while Congress is going in the wrong direction, Congressman Paul was earning the nick-name “Dr. No.”

Congressman Paul votes NO on any legislation that is not expressly authorized by the Constitution. He votes No a lot.

He has NEVER voted to raise taxes; He has NEVER voted for an unbalanced budget; He has NEVER voted for a restriction on gun ownership; NEVER voted to raise congressional pay.

Nor has he ever voted to fund the United Nations.

According to a University of Georgia political scientist, Ron Paul had the most conservative voting record of any member of Congress from 1937 to 2002. His future performance as president can be predicted based on his past performance as a Congressman.

In 1775, the military commander of the British forces in Boston, General Gage, wrote a letter to King George. General Gage complained, “I have a nation of lawyers, everyone is a lawyer, they know your statutes better then you know them yourself.”

At that time more copies of Blackstone’s Commentaries on the Laws of England were sold in the Colonies then were sold in England. These colonists knew their rights, they knew the law, and consequently they were willing to fight for their rights.

So it is with those of us who, one by one, become Ron Paul supporters.

In 2008, Ron Paul held a national convention for his Campaign for Liberty at the Target Center in Minneapolis.

There were over 10,000 people in attendance. I was one of them. And when the name of a free market economist was mentioned, names like Fredrick Hyack, Milton Freedman or Ludwig von Misses, the crowd cheered as if Magic Johnson had been in the arena playing basketball.

Oh, and by the way, we booed economist John Maynard Keynes.

Those of us who support Dr. Paul do so because we know Dr. Paul has done the personal study to understand how our economy works, how our monetary system works, and mostly, how our government is supposed to work based on our Constitution.

He is like one of our Founding Fathers who knew all the failures of other systems of government in human history. But they also knew what worked. The same is true for Ron Paul. Congressman Paul knows what works for nations. And he knows what will work for America.

Congressman Paul is the only candidate for President who has a realistic plan to Restore our Republic.