Recently, Representative Ron Paul addressed the House [paraphrased here], and after depicting the absurdity, cost and futility of fighting our Middle Eastern wars, asked: "Who is the enemy? We don't even know who the enemy is! If we don't know who the enemy is, how will we know if we won?" Though I disagree with his Party's platform and agenda, I admire Ron Paul's bold independent position and thoroughly uphold his viewpoint and opinion. Dr Paul is perfectly correct. Who is the enemy?
Like no recent time, our military machine has been unleashed by President Obama to conduct aggressive excursions and surges simultaneously throughout the world. (Did I not warn the writer who calls himself a jackass to watch America's military moves, for they are the only cards it now can play?) Washington continues to threaten China (its major creditor), and the bankers are tightening their grip on the masses (siphoning assets). While the American people (as well as China) should be forcing the U.S. Government and banking system into a corner, conducting anti-war and anti-fascist political protests (like the Brits), admitting they elected a quisling President who has betrayed them (and the world) in rubber-stamping and advancing the Bush, ultra-right, neo-con agendas, nothing is occurring to stop Obama, Congress, Wall Street and the Pentagon.
To Americans, AfPak is a TV action show no one watches and "drones" are cute throwaway paper-like RC aircraft that fit into your luggage. Haiti is a land of un-baptized heathens and voodoo dolls. Wal-Mart is where you shop while you support a trade war against Beijing. Obama is a Socialist (so say Mr Right, Mr Austrian School and Fox TV) as he robs the poor and gives to the rich (it is an Orwellian epithet only Roger Ailes or Karl Rove could contrive). Should it be Sarah Palin as running mate with the newly elected Massachusetts pin-up Senator in 2012 they ask, or Sarah for President? But wait! Might it be President Stanley A. McChyrstal in the end, after he returns victoriously from winning our wars in Afghanistan, a land that no world empire in history has ever conquered?
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What does an individual do when he can no longer pay his debt? He borrows until credit is exhausted. Then, admitting failure, he files for bankruptcy and surrenders his assets, possessions and property in the hope his debts are discharged. This is standard procedure that every adult citizen understands and agrees to accept in the course of running a business or running a household when it fails.
What does America do when it can longer pay its debt? It borrows until credit is exhausted, then prints more money. Finally, when credit is exhausted and hyperinflation has consumed whatever economy is standing, unlike any person or corporation, it does not file for bankruptcy or seek arrangements with its creditors; instead, America resorts to criminal activities and threatens its creditors with violence and war. It seizes (steals) assets, particular national assets of third-world countries. For political cover, it trains its people to believe the creditor is the enemy, when all along the enemy is the debt.
This week there is a resurgence of "good" economic reports to offset people's balance and reinforce optimism. All the while, Market Oracle writers are openly discussing Depression and forthcoming market crashes; they are beginning to outnumber optimists. They correctly predicted and articulated these ominous signs two-plus years before the crash, then briefly rode the waves during "Green Shoots I" of 2009. It appears Washington now is re-releasing that film and we may soon see "Green Shoots II" in the faint hope it serves to conceal and distract everyday cognizance from a likely and impending Great Recession II, a double-V, or, in clear non-Orwellian language, the GREATEST DEPRESSION. The bill collectors are knocking, and our paid thugs are holding guns to their heads. This cannot work. This will not last. This will bring lasting war and final defeat.
Mind control is a powerful tool until the incursion of Truth enters a dream-world and the sleepers awake. In the end, Truth always prevails.
If Americans have not, cannot and will not act on behalf of themselves, of their Constitution and of their freedoms, THEY WILL DIE.
Who is the enemy, Dr Paul?
We are the enemy, Dr Paul.
Would you agree?