As you know, Congressman Ron Paul of Texas is one of my heroes, a real-life American Patriot in a world of sleezy, self-serving, amoral politicians.
For years, he has stated exactly what I have been saying, that the country is being destroyed by loose monetary policy (i.e. printing money) by the Federal Reserve, not to mention equally loose fiscal policy by Congress, which appears motivated by one thing and one thing only; the lobbying funds of WALL STREET (what funds are left, mostly because Congress just GAVE them out to those insolvent institutions courtesy of the taxpayers).
Mr. Paul has introduced a bill to have the Federal Reserve, the most secretive group of slime in the world, audited. By the way, the Fed is NOT a government institution, but a privately-owned bank by Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, etc., charged with monetary policy. The Fed was created during a special Christmas session of Congress back in 1913, where very few members even showed up to vote, and has since debased the currency by more than 95% (and counting) while generating wild profits for the banks that own it.
Actually, the Constitution prohibits such an institution, stating that only the government should print money. But then again, when was the last time the Constitution was heeded? Or better yet, the last time the people showed even the slightest interest in its destruction?
Remember when Bush was allowed to bomb Iraq without a Congressional vote? Yes, that was a blatant disavowal of the Constitution as well, and look how that turned out. How about Obama taking over the auto industry and unilaterally imposing sanction and terms on the union members, bondholders, etc.? Or Paulson arbitrarily deciding that the major banks (which nearly single-handedly destroyed the economy) needed printed taxpayer money to “save” them?
The Constitution was created by a group of men trying to account for all of history’s most destructive government practices, which time and again have been repeated (such as hyperinflation) by greedy, destructive politicians at the expense of the people. In other words, it was a direct attempt to prevent such things from occurring in the newly formed America. But alas, in just over 200 years, we have nearly completely repudiated its aims (mostly in the past decade), and not coincidentally the country is far along the road to ruin.
The U.S. passed its peak of power and prestige, what a surprise, roughly a decade ago, principally due to the movement of its manufacturing base to China. And since that time the government has done what it always does; try to restore the “status quo” by taking moronic, destructive steps, in this case by ignoring the Constitution which was created to prevent just such actions. Plus, in this case the entire world has been aiding and abetting this stupidity because they own so many dollars (and thus don’t want it to crash), which in and of itself was due to the most moronic and history-repudiating decision of all, the complete renouncement of the gold standard (led by the U.S., of course), in 1971.
Anyhow, in the below U-Tube video, Paul for the first time PUBLICLY states that the government manipulates the dollar AND the gold price, something he has been obviously careful about stating. But now he does. I’ll forgive him the fact that the Fed does this in collusion with the Treasury Department, but you get the point. Actually, the entire last five minutes of this video is fascinating.
And just to show just how lethargic and uncaring Americans are about their cratering country, watch the below U-Tube video of soon-to-be ex-Fed Chairman Bernanke, one of the most idiotic and inept people I have come across in my life, stating how passage of the Paul bill would cause ‘destruction of the dollar, the U.S. economy, and the financial system.’
Think he’s got anything to hide?
And do you yet care?
After all the evil that has been perpetrated on the U.S. public over the past year by Washington and Wall Street, still not a hint of outrage, disbelief, or care.
But that will change, I am 100% sure.
By now it should be clear that “green shoots of recovery” was more propaganda (actually, that term was coined by none other than Bernanke), and if you think the first wave of the money printing explosion was bad, get ready for round two!
PROTECT YOURSELF, starting with the stocking of gold/silver, food, and other life necessities, and secondly by supporting this bill (link below), which already has the support of roughly 245 Congresmen!