Daily I read a new article about overtures being made to the homeschooling community by prospective presidential nominees.
John and Elizabeth Edwards are educating their children at home with the help of a private tutor; so now, supposedly, they can identify with other homeschoolers.
I've got news for them – that's not even remotely close to the "real" world of the average homeschooling family.
Mitt Romney claims that he wants to offer homeschoolers tax breaks. Sounds palatable until you find out he also supports No Child Left Behind, the worst legislation passed by the federal government on education since... well, since ever. Now, it's true that No Child Left Behind does not directly affect homeschoolers, but supporting it indicates a belief that the federal government has the authority to set standards for the public schools. Anyone who has read the Constitution knows that no such authority exists. And of course, there's the whole "slippery slope" to consider. Since the federal government now controls the public school system, what's to stop them from also claiming control of private schools, parochial schools and eventually home schools?
That leads me to the 2nd former governor from Hope, Arkansas – Mike Huckabee. Now I realize I'm endangering my life by saying anything negative about Chuck Norris's favorite politician, but I'll take my chances. Mike Huckabee is all the "buzz" in the homeschooling circles – at least according to the trustworthy main-stream-media.
He's riding high on the endorsements of the Homeschool Legal Defense Association, the Minute Men, Janet Folger, Jerry Falwell, Jr, the NH NEA, Chuck Norris..... Wait a minute. Back up there. The New Hampshire National Education Association? The NH NEA is supporting Mike Huckabee? Aren't they also supporting Hillary Clinton? Isn't the NEA the group that has passed a resolution that would effectively end our right to homeschool if implemented? Isn't the NEA the group that calls homeschooling parents "wannabe amateurs" on their website? Their New Hampshire organization is supporting homeschool-friendly, Mike Huckabee? As a homeschooling mom, this sets off warning bells in my head.
But my concern about Mike Huckabee goes much deeper than his endorsers. It's really about his philosophy of governing. Individual rights, especially parental rights, are at the heart of homeschooling. We recognize that children are gifts to their parents, not chattel of the state. The responsibility to care for them, to educate them, to nurture them is exclusive to the home. Parents may choose to "outsource" this responsibility at their discretion, but government intrusion regarding these areas should be extremely rare. Any politician who does not whole-heartedly embrace that idea is a danger to our continued freedom. As Dr. Paul said in his intro to the Family Education Freedom Act, "Parental control of child rearing, especially education, is one of the bulwarks of liberty. No nation can remain free when the state has greater influence over the knowledge and values transmitted to children than the family."
So, does Mike Huckabee believe in a hands-off approach to governing or is he a nanny-state neo-con, determined to shape Americans into his mold of morality? Looking at just his current rhetoric, it might be possible to give him some benefit of the doubt; but his past governing record and statements should weigh heavily into our consideration.
His call for a nationwide smoking ban speaks volumes, especially compared to Dr. Paul's statement, "I don't want to tell you what you can eat, drink or smoke." I find his need to pass a law while governor, making it mandatory to have every student's Body Mass Index measured, chilling. What's the next step – controlling our menu or making students eat at state-run cafeterias to ensure their weight stays at acceptable levels?
He openly admits that he raised taxes to fund and improve the public school system. How is increasing the tax burden of homeschooling families in order to fund state schools homeschool-friendly? He intimated in his speech to the NEA this summer that it's the state's responsibility to help educate future teachers, enable them to continue their education and that the government-funded student loans of exceptional teachers should be "forgiven." Does he need to be reminded about how the state funds these loans?
And then there's his defense of No Child Left Behind. According to the Washington Times, Huckabee called No Child Left Behind "the greatest education reform effort by the federal government in my lifetime." "The federal No Child Left Behind Act is often misunderstood and unfairly maligned as a total federal intrusion," Huckabee said. "As long as the states are allowed to develop their own benchmark exams to determine the manner to create standards … there's a value of having a national effort to at least set high standards." He feels that as long as there is a distinction between the state governments' and federal government's role in education, legislation like this is not only acceptable, but welcome. There's only one problem – there is no role for the federal government in education. None. How can homeschoolers believe that this man will protect our Constitutional rights when it's obvious that he hasn't read the Constitution?
I prefer a candidate that has consistently voted to protect the rights of parents and limit the power of the federal government. Dr. Paul has openly praised homeschoolers and authored legislation to help ease the tax burden of all parents – no strings attached. He recognizes No Child Left Behind for what it is – an unconstitutional federal intrusion that has introduced a quagmire of bureaucratically-crafted standards and effectively tied the hands of hard-working teachers. He wants to get rid of the Department of Education, ensure parity for homeschool graduates, continue the homeschool Tier 1 pilot program, and foster a culture of educational freedom.
Dr. Paul said it best – "The best way to improve education is to return control to the parents who know best what their children need. Congress should empower all parents, including homeschoolers, to control their children's education." But, listen up homeschoolers – it's not just what Dr. Paul says that sets him apart. He is the authentic homeschool-friendly candidate because his voting record and statements for the past 30 years prove that he means what he says. He has not changed his mind. He has not flip-flopped. He doesn't craft his answers on this issue, or any other, according to his audience or popular opinion.
Homeschooling parents can rest assured that, as President, Dr. Paul will do all that he can to protect our rights. He has given homeschoolers a voice in Congress and now seeks to represent our interests in the White House. One of the best ways to empower the homeschooling community and protect our rights is to make sure that Dr. Paul is allowed to continue speaking for us.
That is why he has the support of this homeschooling mom.