Nothing seems to stop the unrelenting growth of government. Every year spending increases, taxes rise and our freedoms are diminished. Property rights, free enterprise and personal freedom are being wiped out.
Freedom is not a slogan. It's a requirement for human life and prosperity. As humans our mind is our primary tool of survival. To live and thrive we must be allowed to act on the product of our thinking so long as it does not involve initiating force or fraud against others. Likewise, we must be protected against theft whether it is carried out by a criminal or a politician. To take away your property is to take away that portion of your life that gave rise to it.
Free enterprise is the engine of prosperity that turns this thinking into products and industries. It has elevated man from caves to skyscrapers, increased our lifespan and given us flight. Government on the other hand has the unique ability to destroy. It can wipe out your industry with a new tax, it can wipe out your savings with inflation. Each new batch of laws takes a thousand little bites from your freedom like a swarm of piranhas attacking a cow in the Amazon River.
Ron Paul would scale back government more than any other candidate. He'd blast away at the millions of chains that restrain American prosperity the moment he became president. The economy would boom and our economic might would translate directly into military might and security. Mounting an effective defense is extremely expensive whether we are opposing nations or terrorist groups. Only a thriving economy can support such a huge modern military. Look at the former Soviet Union if you need proof of this.
The other Republican candidates are caretakers of the welfare state. They express very little desire to shrink government and many of them have expanded the size and scope of government when they've had the chance. Only Ron Paul promises the revolution that America so urgently needs, the same sort of revolution that got our nation started in the first place.
So I'm not going to let the mainstream media push me into the circular logic of voting for a candidate simply because they are ahead in the polls. The poll leaders are ahead because the MSM decided to give them more attention in the first place. The mainstream media has its own agenda and it definitely does not involve reducing government. I'm throwing out the media darlings and supporting a man who will make America greater than it's ever been before by stomping out the cancer of government. I'm voting for the doctor from Texas, Congressman Ron Paul.